Saturday, June 6, 2015

"Teach Me Your Ways"

Even though a week ago  I proudly proclaimed on my Facebook status "It's official!  I AM SUPERWOMAN!" let me assure you I am far from it.  I had just finished doing a painting party with 9 wonderful ladies by myself, running a 101 fever from a bladder infection that I refused to go to the doctor for a week!  Oh,  and lets not forget that I had self medicated all day to get myself through this party, which I accomplished like a boss!  So, the FB post was possibly clouded by the many, many Advil, Tylenol and AZO I had taken earlier that day!  I wasn't really trying to be superwoman, I was just trying to survive.

I am not sure when the exact time was,  but in the past year I have came to the realization that being Superwoman is a pipe dream!  DUH DEANNE!!!!    I look back over the past 47 years and the realization was there MANY times but for some reason I chose to continue my quest for Superhero status!  I had not given this concept much thought until this week. 

I will not go into her summer job but the short of it is Natalie is a nanny to 2 middle school boys!    Enough to put fear into Satan himself!  I went to the pool with them and even though they are not my kids, Mama came out!!!  Need I say more?  Then Natalie made the request, "Mama, Teach me your ways!" 

Although it was funny at the time and very humbling I might add,  it has made me think alot.  What are the ways I would want to teach her and my other 2 children for their future families?  Obviously she was referring to discipline but all I can think about is,  OH how there is so much more!! I could write for days but in my usual manner I think I will choose the top 5.

5.  I would teach them to TRY and not miss a single moment!  But in case you do, it's not the end of the world.  As my little birdies leave the nest I look back on the MANY MANY times I put that quest to be SuperWoman ahead of them.  As SuperWoman I was able to leap tall piles of laundry with a single bound but I missed the jumps the kids  made on their bike over that awesome ramp they made out of scrap wood pieces the found outside.  I can never get those times back and I am reminded of that each time I see those tiny loads of laundry I have now because they kids have grown up and left. But, I am blessed enough to continue to make memories with them and TODAY is what matters.  The past is the past!

4.  I would teach them to be a parent not a friend.   In my quest for the title SuperWoman I did indeed try to be the fun parent but bottom line at the end of the day if the official Mama needed to come out she was always waiting to jump into the "you aint gonna like me after this but one day you will understand role".  I actually had someone tell me once that he was so afraid his daughter would get mad at him if he told her no!  My response, "SO WHAT if she does?"  Do not do your children a disservice by not teaching them character, manners or the meaning of the word NO!  There comes a time when you will be your child's friend.  That time for me is now.  I have such a friendship with my girls now.  Everything we do we can not wait to text the other and share.  But they do know that "official Mama" is still there and she could rear her ugly head if the need arises.  I too have an "official Mama" and she and I are the best of friends now.  It has been a long time since she reared her ugly head but I knows its still there and waiting.....and I am thankful for that.

3.  I would teach them to not worry about being tough enough to face this cruel and heartless world but instead be the kind of people who will spend their time on this earth making the world a little less cruel and heartless place. Yes, the world can be mean but I want so much more for my family.  I want them to be the one who turns the other cheek and do so with their head held high knowing someone is always watching and that what others see in them is more than a tough guy.  It is someone who is loving, kind, gentle, respected by all and that the ones on the outside are seeing Jesus in them.

2.  I would teach them to make time for the love of their life.   During the years of my quest for SUPERwoman status I remember thinking one day, what in the world would I have to do when the birdies left the nest?  When I had no ballgames to go to, no toys to pick up, no more mounds of laundry, no longer cooking for the masses.  Seemed like all my husband, Tommy, and I talked about was what the kids were doing, where they needed to be and what was on the schedule for next week.  It scared me to think that when they had their own lives that I wouldn't even know him anymore.  It happen in the parking lot of FOOD LION one busy afternoon running errands between practices.  Reba McEntire's song came on the radio "EIGHT CRAZY HOURS"  As I sat and listened I remember the tears coming faster than I could control.  I know I sat there for 30 minutes.  I knew that I had to make a change...for me!  I had to be there for the kids but there had to be a life after them with Tommy.  Being alone was my worst fear.  I talked with him about it that very night and he was very understanding but I knew that he had felt neglected.  I couldn't apologize to him enough.  Since then we have been so diligent in making time for each other.  It was the best thing I could have done because it has made such an impact on our kids and their relationships.  CariAnna gave me a picture collage for Christmas years later and she wrote on it, "Thank you for loving Daddy so much."   This told me the decision was a success.

1.  I would teach them to not take life too seriously!  I think the young people now say YOLO, right?  I certainly am not encouraging them to go out and do whatever they want to legally or morally wrong.  I have went to great lengths to teach them better than that.  It is just that I know people who never look happy, never smile, and seem like all they know is negativity!  NO, NOT ACCEPTABLE!!  I want them to love life everyday.  When things go bad I want them to learn a lesson from it and move forward.  When things go good, I want them to enjoy the moment and shout to the Lord a sound of praise.  When people wrong them, I want them to say, "That's alright!  As long as I was doing the right things God is pleased with me."  When they are in need, I want them to not be afraid to ask for help.  When they see others in need, I want them to help without having to be asked.  When life hands them lemons, I want them to make lemonade and then have a lemon rind fight with a friend while laughing hysterically!  YOLO, is only live once.  Make it memorable with no regrets.

For those of you who are on the quest to become SuperWoman, look up Reba McEntire's song "Eight Crazy Hours".  As for me, I am on the quest now to be SuperWife and I am enjoying every moment of it.  I ask that you pray for Natalie as she is the lone birdie left in the nest and I am so sure that I smother her with my motherly ways.  Well, she did ask me to teach her my ways.........Be careful what you ask for!

Friday, July 18, 2014

The 5 Photo Beauty Challenge in a Selfie World

Yesterday I was sent a "5 photo beauty" challenge from a FB friend.  Now let me start out by saying that I do not think there is anything wrong with this challenge.  It is all in harmless fun but it sure did get me to thinking about what I consider beautiful.

At first I brushed it off , as I am sure most women will do, because I usually hate most pictures of myself.  I recently read a blog by someone that reminded that regardless of what you think of yourself your family will want pictures of you when you are gone someday so I have become more open to being "in the picture" and not always "taking the picture".  Well, last night while I was lying in bed I remembered this blogger and I decided to go ahead and do the challenge. 

After looking through many, many pictures I have come to this conclusion that the way I look is NOT BEAUTIFUL AT ALL!  Now don't freak out on me and think I am suicidal and my self esteem and self confidence has taken a nose dive off a cliff.  Believe me.........I LOVE MYSELF but it is not because of the way I look.  I would like to share a few of those reasons with you:

"What are you doing?"  Selfie
Tommy and me are the worst selfie takers ever!!!!  I have this idea in my head that if I lift my chin high enough in a picture the double chin will disappear......not happening!  My arms are never long enough.  I can always find 5 things I do not like about my picture.  But, anytime I am beside this handsome guy he makes me feel as beautiful as a princess.  I know that he loves me for who I am inside and out and I know that he will forever.  When I see us together I see HAPPY!  What is more beautiful than that?

Mama stop crying! selfie
This fine looking fellow keeps me in check.  He actually would not smile in this picture because I was crying?!?   He has grown into such a mature and responsible young man.  When did that happen??  How did that happen??  I am pretty sure that about his 9-10th  grade year in high school I had decided that would NEVER happen.  Patience has never really been a strong virtue for me but I can see now that he really was listening to us when we talked with him and tried to guide him.   He was the first little bird to leave out nest and it almost killed me but he makes me so proud.   I am so happy to be his Mama and I know that he loves me very much.  Now what could be more beautiful than that?

Going to Get Married Selfie

This beautiful lady, my mini me, has done got hitched!  The second little birdy to leave our nest and killed me as well.  But you know what?  It was very hard for her to leave the nest.  Yes, she was sad and as wierd as that seems.......I think that is a beautiful, happy compliment to her Daddy and me.  She actually said to us with tears in her eyes,  "Why do ya'll have to be so awesome?"  I know that we have taught her the life skills to make it on her own (except cooking maybe but she married a chef so she will not starve).  I am so happy for her and I am so proud and happy to be her Mama.   You know everyone tells her she is just like me and she says, "I am OK with that!"......What could be more beautiful than that?

Baby Girl Selfie
Natalie, my shy, quiet, sweet spirited baby girl.  Always putting others ahead of herself.  I am really gonna smother her with attention since she is the lone bird left in the nest.   Last night she and I got out of bed at 5 minutes after midnight, got dressed and went and had breakfast at Waffle House!!   I can always count on her to make me laugh and be totally honest with me!   I  love her to the moon and back a million times and she makes me so proud.  I am happy that she calls me Mama.   When she was born she was the cherry on top of the Sundae.  She made our family perfect.   What can be more beautiful than that?

My Daddy...first man I ever loved
My first ever BFF extra daughter partner in crime
Lisa.............the sister I never had long lost twin
the list could go on forever....................

You see the more I thought about beauty it really had nothing to do with me.  It had to do with the people in my life who make me who I am.   I love myself very much.  I am very happy with myself and my life.  I want my family and friends to look back at my pictures one day and see a happy person who lived life to the fullest and made the people around her feel awesome.  So the next time you decide to take a selfie or are asked to be in a picture, JUST DO IT!  Just be YOU!!  Don't worry about the double chin or the flappy arms or the large nostrils (these are my demons).  We are all GOD's creations and he does not make junk.  I look back now on picture of my Granny and I look like her....double chin, flappy arms and all.  I treasure those pictures.  She was beautiful and I AM TOO!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

"You're just like your Mama!"

The dreaded words that most people never want to hear, right? 
I pray everyday that people say that of me.  I have the greatest Mama in the whole world.  I am so thankful for my precious Mama.  If I just grow up (yes, I am still trying to work on that) to be half the Mama she is I will consider my life as a Mother a success.  My Mama has taught me so many things.  Not even with just words but her actions.  Her examples will last a lifetime for me and my daughters as well.  She is the ultimate example of the Virtuous Woman from Proverbs 31. my Daddy for 47 years.  She has taught me that when you say "I DO", you really do, no matter what!   I know things haven't always been easy but they never gave up and I am thankful that I can say my parents are still together.  What a wonderful example for me and for our whole family.  There are so many people today who can not say that.  Makes me think of the song by Paul Overstreet, "I Come from a Long Line of Love"  Thanks Mama for showing me that a virtuous woman respects her husband.  She does him good all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:11-12, 23

FAITHFUL a wonderful virtue my Mama has and she expects nothing less from her family. For this I am eternally grateful.  It fills my heart with joy to stand around her kitchen table with all of our family holding hands to pray and know that without the influence of her our family would not be the strong Christian family we are today.  She serves GOD with all of her heart, mind, and soul.  She seeks His will for her life and follows his ways. Proverbs 31:26, 29-31

MOTHER.....a sometimes thankless job that she does well.  I can honestly say that if she walked into my house today and told me she was gonna give me some hickory tea I would turn around and take it.  I may not have done anything at this moment but I am sure that there was something along the way I did and never got caught.   Raising Shannon and me, I know, was not easy but she always made it look that way.  She always made sure that we knew the right thing to do.  Like going to church.....not going was never an option and it has carried on with my own family and my brothers and I credit her for that.  Even today she holds us all acountable for our actions using the Bible to back it up.  Even on Facebook, just ask the Grandkids.  She teaches her children the ways of her Father in heaven.  She nurtures them with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom, and trains them in the way they should go.  Proverbs 31: 26, 28

SERVANT.....with a heart of gold.  Her phone rings constantly with request from people for her help in some way....and she rarely says no to anyone.  Whether it is a friend or a complete stranger, she is always willing to help in anyway.  I remember once, when Natalie was younger, I was short an egg and couldn't make a cake.  She looked at me and said, "Mamaw will let us have one.....she's a nice lady."  From the mouths of babe, but, nice lady just doesn't do her justice though.  She serves her husband, her family, her friends and her neighbors with a gentle and loving spirit.  She is charitable.  Proverbs 31:12, 15, 20

FINANCIER.....she could stretch a dollar a mile!  One of our favorite things to do together is, as we call it, go junkin.  She has taught me the real meaning of reuse, reduce, recycle.  Us girls would rather go to the Goodwill Store with Mamaw anyday over the Mall.  She has always been there for us through financial hard times.  Whether it was to loan someone a few bucks or just listen to us whine that we couldn't make ends meet.  Even when I know she didn't really have the money she needed...she would do without to help someone else.She spends money wisely.  She is careful to purchase items which her family needs.  Proverbs 31:14, 16, 18 what she taught me to be.  She told me a long time ago that if I wanted something done I just needed to get in there and do it myself.  She was fixing a broken washing machine at the time.  She taught me how to crochet, even though I still can't do it and watch TV at the same time like she can.  She taught me to sew, cook, garden, the list goes on and on and on.  She is never idle.  Always a project of some sort going on.  She work willingly with her hands.  She sings praises to God and does not grumble while completing her task.  Proverbs 31:13, 16, 24, 31 a most happy home.  I can truly say that I have NO bad memories of home.  Of course, I got my butt tore up on more than 1 occasion but I had a VERY happy childhood.  I strive everyday to have that for my own kids.  Mama stayed home with us when we were at home.  She started driving a school bus when I started school.  That alone should qualify her for sainthood!  She was ALWAYS there for us and she still is today.  Even though i do not live in her home, I still feel like it is my home everytime I go there.  Our home was open to anyone and everyone.  I remember in our home everyone from my friends to the gospel preacher who was running the meeting.  She always made it a home for anyone who entered the door.  She creates an inviting atmosphere of warmth and love for her family and guests.  She uses hospitality to minister to those around her.  Proverbs 15, 20-22, 27 what she spends working, daylight to dark most days.  Time is what she loves to spend with our family.  Time is what we never seems to have enough of.  Time is what she always tells me now to waste, as it goes by ever so quickly.  She works diligently to complete her daily tasks.  She does not spend time dwelling on those things that do not please the Lord.  Proverbs 31:13, 19, 27 what I see in my Mama inside and out.  Rubies are beautiful but she is worth far more than rubies.  She has an inner beauty that only comes from Christ.  She uses her creativity and sense of style to create beauty in her life and the lives of her loved ones.   Proverbs 10, 21-22, 24-25 

Ironically, she was born on her Mama, my Granny Holloway's, birthday.  I feel sure that the first time Granny looked into her beautiful brown eyes she knew that someone special had arrived.  I know that Granny would be so proud of my Mama and the virtuous woman she is today. 

Happy Birthday to them, October 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Today marks my precious twin daughter, CariAnna's 21st birthday so I felt it would be fitting to pay homage to her!  CariAnna, here are 10 things I love about you!!

1.  I love that you are such a family person.  Our families are always number 1 on your list of priorities.  Given the choice of a night on the town or a night with the family playing Malarky, you would choose game night.  This tells me that your own family, someday, will be the most important thing to you and you will carry on the family tradition that we have taught you.

2.  I love that you love yourself.  You do not try and hide your flaws behind makeup and fancy clothes.  This tells me that you realize that GOD made you the way you are for a reasons and that's OK cause GOD don't make junk.

3.  I love that your claws come out when it comes to protecting your brother and sister.  I know without a doubt that you will have their back ALWAYS and that you will always be the for them. They love you and look up to you so much.  This tells me that you are a good example to them as they are to you and that if something were to happen to Dad and Me you would take care of each other!

4.  I love that you make me cry!  This tells me that my love for you grows each and everyday.  You have brought so much to my life.  Even when those tears are not happy tears I still know that the bond we she is not like any other!

5.  I love that you are so adamant to finish college even though you hate it!  Your determination to do this is awesome even though the location has caused some intense conversation!  This tells me that you are not a quitter and that anything in life you will hang on through good and bad till the bitter end.  This makes me very proud!

6.  I love that it does not bother you that people when people tell you that you look like your Mama.  This tells me that you are at least a little proud to be my daughter.   I just hope at I can live up to the example that I have had in a Mama for you!  Remember, no one will EVER love you like your Mama!

7.  I love that you are proud of where you come from.....the country!  This tells me that you will always be happy with the simple things in life and those are the things that will make you the happiest!

8.  I love that you have stuck it out with the same person for 5 years.  This tells me that commitment is important to you and I ow that you realize things aren't always peachy but you know to never throw in the towel!

9.  I love that most of your friends are younger than you.  You are like their Little Mama.  This tells me that you are gonna be a great Mama someday because you are practicing those character traits in your everyday life!  Your are their friend but yet they feel that they can come to you and confide in you and they value your opinion.  That is what every Mama wants!

10.  But most of all, I love that you love the Lord so much!  Last night while you and your sister were sitting in the living room putting together a puzzle ya'll were listening and singing Christian music I made my heart skip a beat.   Many times I have struggled in my Christian life and you always set me straight.  This tells me that you are gonna be just fine in life!  As long as you keep that love for the LORD he will take care of you better that Daddy and me ever could!

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!  I love you more that you know until that wonderful day when your life will forever be changed with a precious child!  But could you let that be a long time from now?  I am not THAT old yet!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


my family with Junior, poll worker extraordinaire
 Today was election day.  Not ANY ole election day.  It marked the first time that 2 of my three kids would be able to exercise their right to vote.  Of course me being the Mommy I am, for me it was a photo op!  So at 7am this morning we were walking out the door to travel to the Boardtown Precinct to cast our ballots.  I wanted everyone to wear Red, White and Blue but the Red Olympics themed Pop Tarts were as close as it was gonna get. 

Now understand that the only person who really had to get up at 7AM was CariAnna because she had to work.  It was important to me to make this a family affair (minus Tommy, he voted early) so everyone sacrificed for me and came down stairs Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed....ok that's a lie, but no one was complaining out loud.  After checking to make sure everyone had their picture ID's (I do this often since the one time we headed out to Florida for a cruise to the Bahamas and Tucker discovered he had left his ID at home and we had to drive all the way back to Ellijay and get it....lesson learned!) we were on our way!  I contemplated belting out America the Beautiful but I figured out really quick that some people were not in the mood.....I just hummed it to myself!

Now we had been discussing voting for a few weeks and how it is important.  Now in my opinion, if you don't vote, you do not have the right to complain.  Now I can guarantee that is one Right I will never forfeit!!  It is important to me to be able to voice my opinion......sounds like Freedom of Speech to me Huh?  One of the rights we were promised by our founding Fathers.  Now, Tommy told me not to go here but this seems like the perfect place to voice my opinion about Chik-Fil-A......Mr. Cathy has a right to believe how he wants and run his company how he sees fit as long as he is not showing hatred towards others.  I, too, have the right to feel and believe how I want to.....we do not have to agree.  I will answer to GOD for me and you will answer for you.  I personally am not a drinker......does that mean I am gonna refuse to buy groceries at Ingles because they sell alcohol?  No, it is my right to believe what I want too and I should NOT  have to defend myself if I want some Waffle Fries!!  What I do not have the right to do is be unkind and mean to others, no matter what they believe.  LOVE ONE ANOTHER FOR LOVE IS OF GOD!!!!  (Sorry Tommy, it had to be said!)

Back to the voting...when we arrived at the precinct, of course in a small community, we were met with hellos from all the polls workers who new us on first name basis.  Junior, poll worker extraordinaire, met us in the parking lot.  He told us his job was to make sure that no one with a campaigning sign came within 150 of the building....really?   I think in our small community we would be more likely to be worried about people who might come in bearing arms.  You do not have to worry about that with me though.   I can't bring myself to bear my arms.....they are way to flappy!

Natalie, of course was still to young to vote but she has assisted me, as have all the kids, with voting since we used to vote in those machines with the curtains that closed behind you.  This is the reason she HAD to go with us even though she would not be casting her ballot. for the first time ever, they told me no one could accompany me to the voting machine!  I was was she,  but only because I had made her get out of bed at 7AM for nothing!  So today, I voted alone for the first time in 21 years!  None the less, I was a proud Mama with one of my children standing on each side of me as we exercised our right to vote!!!!  Now this particular scene was going to be a photo op for me but Natalie did not take the picture of the three of us voting, so I guess I will just have to engrave this day in my mind and pray it is a memory I never lose. 

This was a milestone day for me and my kids.  Voting and exercising our rights is important.  But I pray I never lose sight of the fact that my kids also have the right, and it is my responsibility as their parent to make sure they know GOD and understand that they have a responsibilty to him even more so than to our country.   Someday in this country we may have to choose between the good ole USA and GOD. That will be the day that I, as their Mama, will know if I have done my job.  It is my job as their Mama to make sure they do not look at me on judgement day and say, you never told me.  They have the right to know the bible and they have the responsibility to do something with it. 

We have the right to do alot of thing and these rights protect us.  There is no way we are gonna always agree with everyone.  Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.  Its like a certain man in my life told me, "If everyone liked pallets......there would be no more pallets in the world."   He is just never gonna like my pallet table!!! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Mama, have you cried today?

This is the question Tucker loves to ask me.  It is this little game he plays with me because he knows that I cry at the drop of a hat.   My Mama asked me when she read my blog for the first time, "Why did you choose the name, Misadventures from a woman on the edge?  Is something wrong?". Well, I figured with as many crazy things that happen to me in my life, Misadventures seemed to fit, and well, I am ALWAYS on the edge of something.  Today I might be on the edge of a breakthrough and in 30 minutes it may the edge of a breakdown.  The latter if Tucker has anything to do with it.

Could my eyes be anymore swollen from crying?

Since the last day of school, CariAnna's junior year of high school, I think I have probably cried at least once a day.  Sometimes more, some times less, but the averages are stacked against me.  At first I Am sure that my family thought I was on the edge of a Mental breakdown but they have learned to live with it and now it is abnormal if I do not cry......according to least once every 24 hours.  So he does his best to make sure he says something super sentimental and sweet to me each day to make it happen.  
Here are a few examples:

"Mama, what are you gonna do here all by your self over the summer when we have all moved out?".  I don't know son but I will ponder on that tonight while I cry myself to sleep.  Thanks for helping me to start planning my later years in this empty nest!

"Mama, I think today for my High School graduation, I will wear my hair combed over to the side like you combed it for my Kindergarten graduation." to which Daddy says, "Son, go back upstairs.   You are not helping her deal with this at all."

"Mama, if I have anything in this world to be proud of its that I have a Mama and Daddy that love each other and have been married for 24 years and I know without a doubt you will be married 24 more plus some.  I told that to my whole class today at school.  Some of the kids said I was lucky.  I already new that!"

These are just a few of the ones that he said in the past 2 months.  This does not even take into account all the heart breaking songs he forces me to listen to.  

Crying is just a part of life.  I come from a tender hearted family.  If you know my brother you would understand.  He can hardly ever stand up in front of the church without his chin beginning to quiver.  I love that quality in us and I hope we never outgrow it.  When you get to the point when your heart is so hard that it will not break? have a problem.  

Crying is OK.  Even Jesus did it.  On one occasion Jesus shed a tear of compassion.  When he came into town, his friend, Lazarus, had died.  I don't think he was crying for Lazarus.  I think he was crying because of the pain that Lazarus' family was enduring.  Everyone needs someone to care. People  generally do not care how much we know until they know how much we care.  Showing compassion to others will open their hearts to you.  The world would be a better place if we worried less about putting people in their place and more about putting ourselves in the place of others.

Another time, Jesus shed a tear of sadness.  Jesus had done all he could to get the people to believe in him yet their were still so many who doubted.  I know people in my life who never give the afterlife a second thought but I hope I am living my life in such a way that they see Jesus in me and my family.  Jesus let his tears take him to the tears must bring me to tell my friends about the cross.

Jesus also shed a tear because he struggled.  His death was coming and yes, he struggled with it!  In the Garden of Gethsemane he cried and prayed that GOD would find another way but there was no Plan B. 

Here comes the AHA moment...........Jesus stresses for me.  He knows every sleepless night I have.  He knows every tear I shed and he understands.  I think he became human for this very really be able to understand me.   Everyone has problems, but if I am wise I will let those troubles drive them to pray to a merciful and understanding GOD.  

Jesus wept so why shouldn't I.   I may cry for many reasons, happy or sad, but that's ok.  We sing this at worship......

Break my heart, dear Lord.  Tear the barriers down.  
Show me with convicting tears the glory of your crown.  
 My heart is hard, my souls so weak.   The ways of evil cut so deep.  
I need you Lord to come inside, and gentle break my heart.

I pray that I always have Jesus in my heart to gently break it when I get too big for my britches.   But in the mean time, I am sure Tucker will keep me on my toes.  He has decided that making me cry once every 24 hours was just to easy.  He just informed me he was gonna step it up to every 12.  I gotta go to Walmart.  I got a feeling I am gonna need more Kleenex.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Tucker atop Pikes Peak in Colorado...14,110 feet!

Saturday was a glorious day.  Tucker returned home from a 10 day road trip with his grandparents.  Now 10 days may not seem like much but to this Mama it was an eternity.  Tucker is a full head taller than me (about 6-4) and he gives me what I call my "Mama chin hugs".  My head fits perfectly under his chin when he hugs me.  I was missing that alot.  You see we have always had a philosophy....if we can't all be there we don't need to be there so being away from our kids for an extended period of time  hardly ever happened. 

Every time the phone would ring I would leap what ever was in my path to answer it hoping it was him.  If I didn't hear from him fairly often I would call him.  Tommy even admitted he was breaking company policy by getting on Facebook to see if he had posted any pictures.  Facetime on the Ipad was a lifesaver in the evenings as I would get to chat with him Face to Face to hear about his adventures of the day. 

I was the exact same way when CariAnna was away at college or Natalie is gone with friends.  And it all rings true when Tommy is at work.  I just long for that phone to ring so I can hear the voice of my loved one. 

Being alone is my fear.  I DO NOT LIKE IT!  Don't get me wrong.  I am not in denial.  I know it is inevitable but I am dreading it like crazy.  I think I am subconsciously preparing myself for Empty Nest.  I have many many projects started around my house that I swear I will finish later.  I think in my mind later means, "someday when I have nothing else to do."   Will there be a day when I have nothing else to do?  My Mama says no!

Well, here is my AHA! moment.....I will never be alone!  God tells me “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5It seems to me that he is the GOD of the Empty Nest.  His children leave all the time.  But he promises us that when we get our lives back together he is waiting with a forgiving heart and an ear to hear all about it! "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  1 John 1:9

Today, (you know I love a good deal), I had a 2 for 1 AHA! moment.....GOD sits on his throne and anxiously awaits to hear from me.....his child.  When is the last time I talk to him intimately.   Sometimes when Tommy calls I tell him my days was boring but he always says, "I still want to hear all about it because I love you."  I may not have life changing requests for GOD everyday but he still wants to hear from me.  "Casting all your cares on him, for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. 

I hope my kids know that I will always be just a phone call away....waiting to hear from them!   The phone, like prayer, is our lifeline to our family.  My grandparents have been gone for almost 20 years and I still remember their phone number.....###-2073.  It was an important number.....wish I could still call and get an answer. 

Well, I suppose this ole bird should get out of bed now and stop pondering on sitting in an empty nest and start my day.  I do, somewhere in my heart, want my fledglings to leave the nest and experience life as I have but I'm not gonna rush it.  It will happen soon enough.  Right now, I gotta find something exciting to do today so I can have something to tell Tommy when he calls.  I don't want him to think he is married to a boring lady!!  I have a reputation to uphold. 

"Hey GOD,  stay close to that holy phone today.......I'm may be calling you back sooner than you think!!  And could you have Papaw and Granny close by?  I would love to hear their voice again."